

Contact Us

If you are a Manufacturer and would like to see your products listed on LUCKINSlive, or if you are a Distributor or Contractor and wish to incorporate Luckins content in your ERP system, web site or estimating system, please contact:

Tel: +44 (0)1780 750500
Email:  luckinssales@trimble.com

If your products are already listed on LUCKINSlive and you wish to add or amend the details, please contact:

Tel: +44 (0)1780 750500
Email:  luckinscontent@trimble.com

If you are a LUCKINS data subscriber and require help or support accessing the site or viewing price data please contact:

Tel: +44 (0)1780 750600
Email:  luckinssupport@trimble.com

Trimble Luckins, Cherryholt House, Cherryholt Road, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 2EP, United Kingdom

Please Note: LUCKINSlive is an information site provided for the benefit of the UK building services industry.  We do not stock or sell the products listed on this site and regret we are unable to respond to any requests for quotes for the products listed.

For more information about Luckins products and services, please download one of our product guides:


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