
Elstead Lighting Ltd  287  Products Found

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We are Elstead Lighting, a British company that specialises in the manufacture and distribution of decorative lighting. We sell 220-240v lighting products to worldwide customers, lighting beautiful homes, hotel bedrooms and public areas, coffee bars and restaurants in more than 60 countries. We have sales distribution operations in 3 countries, managing more than 17,000 square metres, (185,000 square feet) of warehousing and production space and a team of more than 100 committed staff.

Elstead has brought together an eclectic range of light fittings for both indoors and out, that take classical influences in their design and style. We are proud to still use traditional handcrafts in the production of our lights as well as embrace modern technology with CNC machines. A large number of the Elstead Interior collection is manufactured in Alton, Hampshire using traditional welding and patination skills to create distinctive products.

We also select beautiful designer collections from six North American lighting companies, with whom we have a license to alter their products from the American standard 110v to 240v. We work directly with their suppliers to wire and modify their products so that they are certified for use in the UK, Europe, Middle East, Asia and Australasia. Many of these products are also hand-made or hand-finished, and undergo the same detailed quality checks as those made on our UK site.