

Cembre At A Glance



Given the considerable success of last year's release of the This Is Cembre video on YouTube, the new 'Cembre At A Glance' promotion currently being introduced into Cembre UK Distributors is destined to increase the level of interest. 

While the video takes the viewer on a tour of our extensive Design, Manufacturing and Logistic operations both at our Cembre SpA Group Headquarters in Italy and at Cembre Ltd near Birmingham, the aims of the At A Glance promotion are to pose the question 'Why Use Cembre?' and then answer it by illustrating the most frequent reasons given by our Customers.


Top of the list is the fact that, however hi-tech the equipment, the integrity of its seemingly 'simple' electrical connections is fundamental to its operation. Reliability, Safety, Reputation and Livelihood are at risk when insufficient attention is paid at this basic level. Even experienced Electrical Engineers familiar with the requirements of codes of practice BS7609 and BS7727 look for guidance when deciding whether to trust the provenance of many of the myriad of connectors available today. These standards govern the use of Copper tube and Insulated compression connectors and advise that best practice for good electrical connections is to use a matched system of terminations, crimping tools and die sets.


Also of significant importance is MARKINGenius which, in 10 years, has become the market-leading system for printing the markers, legends and tags required by Panel Builders and OEMs for identifying and labelling all their cables, components and compartments. Cembre doesn't supply typical panel components, eg terminal blocks, so is free to offer the widest range of marking media to suit all types of equipment from all suppliers without favour. Coupled with the bench-mark GeniusPRO software, System Lifetime Support, free machine trials and loans, and expert technical assistance, MARKINGenius reinforces the confidence and convenience that Customers have the right to expect from Cembre.


Catch Cembre At A Glance at your local Cembre Distributor or contact us +44 1675 470 440, sales@cembre.co.uk